Friday 14 October 2016

Windows #1

This update I've welded in the rims for both the front and rear window.  I won't be bolting the perspex to the frame until I'm ready to pressure test, to save damaging them as I cut and weld other parts of the hull on.

Fig. #1 & Fig. #2.  Cutting out the window area to the final size so that the 5 mm thick frame lines up nicely with the drums ribs.

Fig. #1

Fig. #2

Fig. #3 & Fig. 4.  Getting the frame welded together.

Fig. #3

Fig. #4
Fig. #5 to Fig. #8.  The front window frame welded in place and painted.  The window will be put on last.

Fig. #5

Fig. #6
Fig. #7

Fig. #8
Fig. #9.  I quickly added on the main ballast tank air line ports to both sides of the conning tower.  I had to make up an internal clamp to hold the threaded reducer in place whilst i welded it.

Fig. #9
Fig. #10 & Fig. 11.  Both ports welded on.

Fig. #10

Fig. #11
Fig. #12 & Fig. 13.  The rear window is now complete too.

Fig. #12

Fig. #13

I have already sent plans off to have the dome and base of the hatch made (Fig. #14 & Fig. #15).  I should be able to start building that in a few weeks.  Next I will start putting together the the diving plane hubs on the sides of the conning tower.  Also I will make the 4 wings that are to be the diving planes and elevators.  The diving plane hubs will double as a step to get into the hatch, and also will house the external pressure sensor and a 100W LED light on each side.

Fig. #14

Fig. #15