Saturday 3 December 2016

Hatch #2

I received the dome on Monday and this afternoon I spent welding it together.  It cost about $300 to get made in Melbourne and shipped over.  It's made from 3mm thick stainless steel.

Fig. #1.  Shows the rim that was laser cut a few weeks ago.  Here I'm getting it lined up ready to tack in place.

Fig. #1.

Fig. #2.  I drilled a hole through the desk and bolted the dome down onto some wood blocks to keep the whole lot steady while I worked on it.  I was also able to spin it around.

Fig. #2.

Fig. #3.  After making my own steel roller (Fig. #9) I cut and tacked the middle in place.  This is to strengthen up the base so it doesn't bend when I clamp the hatch down during operation.

Fig. #3.

Fig. #4.  Here I'm welding the back of the dome together.  The hinge will be welded to this.

Fig. #4.

Fig. #5.  All welded and cleaned up.  To avoid the dome twisting as I welded it, I had to weld small parts at a time and then stagger them, one on one side, then one on the other.

Fig. #5.

Fig. #6.  The outside all cleaned up and with smooth edges.

Fig. #6.

Fig. #7.  Front view on the sub.

Fig. #7.

Fig. #8.  Back view on the sub.

Fig. #8.

Fig. #9.  On Thursday I built the roller, it took all day to build.  It can roll up to 3mm thick.  Here I've rolled the ring for the middle of the dome.

Fig. #9.

Next I'll be working on the hinge for the hatch.

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