Sunday, 8 January 2017

Pressure Test #3

Yesterday evening I bolted and sealed the new front window in place and this morning I resumed pressure testing.  I managed to get it down to seven meters (10.29 lbs/ [4.6kg]) today before a few leaks stopped it from going any further.  Besides the leaks, that are now fixed, an area on both sides of the hull directly beneath the conning tower began to give in (Fig. #2).

Over all though everything else was fine - including the window which would have had about 2,430 lbs (1,105 kg) across it.

Fig. #1.  Currently at two meters.

Fig. #1.

Fig. #2.  It's hard to see, but the hull has given in a little at the places marked with an X.

Fig. #2.

Fig. #3.  I'll be welding in some reinforcement over the next few days that will strengthen up the area shown in Fig. #2.  I originally had some here but it got removed when the tower went on and I forgot to put it back.   Hopefully I'll have both sides done tomorrow, but it'll depend on if I can replace my gas cylinder tomorrow or not.

Fig. #3.

I plan to resume testing by mid week.

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