This is the last of the Rear Dome Updates.
I welded the last two pieces on today. It took about five hours to do but now the rear dome is done! Next I'll be working on the battery mounts inside the front dome.
Fig. 1. I cleaned up the first bit to weld before breakfast, and now it's ready to weld.
Fig. 2. The first weld bead down the edge of the hull.
Fig. 3. The rest is all clean and ready to weld.
Fig. 4. The second last panel tacked in place.
Fig. 5. The second last panel all welded.
Fig. 6. The last panel welded.
Fig. 7. The last little hole is covered.
Fig. 8. All the welds are cleaned.
Fig. 9. All painted.
Fig. 10. The last part of the dome to tidy up.
Fig. 11. All the tips cut to length. Nothing fancy.
Fig. 12. Welded and cleaned up.
Fig. 13. All painted.
Fig. 14. The Motor & Elevator system is back on.
Fig. 1. I cleaned up the first bit to weld before breakfast, and now it's ready to weld.
Fig. 1. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 2. The first weld bead down the edge of the hull.
Fig. 2. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 3. The rest is all clean and ready to weld.
Fig. 3. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 4. The second last panel tacked in place.
Fig. 4. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 5. The second last panel all welded.
Fig. 5. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 6. The last panel welded.
Fig. 6. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 7. The last little hole is covered.
Fig. 7. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 8. All the welds are cleaned.
Fig. 8. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 9. All painted.
Fig. 9. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 10. The last part of the dome to tidy up.
Fig. 10. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 11. All the tips cut to length. Nothing fancy.
Fig. 11. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 12. Welded and cleaned up.
Fig. 12. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 13. All painted.
Fig. 13. 01/01/2016 |
Fig. 14. The Motor & Elevator system is back on.
Fig. 14. 01/01/2016 |
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