Yesterday I started welding the handle to the hub. First I had to add a little bit to the top of the hub then cut it to about 10 mm long (Fig. 3) so that I could add a piece of steel and have it angle away from the curve of the hull.
Fig. 1 19/12/2015 |
Fig. 2 19/12/2015 |
Fig. 3 19/12/2015 |
Now I'm adding a piece around 8 cm long to the top of the hub at an angle of about 20 degrees. This way I can have the controls sitting as close to the edge of the drum as possible and not have the handles hitting the top of the hull.
Fig. 4 19/12/2015 |
Today after work I added the threaded rod to the top of the lever. This is where the handle will be bolted to.
Fig. 5 20/12/2015 |
I was originally going to make the handle from pine dowel, about 25 mm in diameter, but after drilling a 6 mm hole straight through it's center to slide onto the threaded rod, I saw that no matter how I drilled it, it would always follow the grain and be off center. So a little annoyed at that, I decided to make it from aluminium. Below I'm turning it down to 30 mm in diameter.
Fig. 6 20/12/2015 |
Once the center hole was drilled I began sanding it to make it shiny and smooth.
Fig. 7 20/12/2015 |
Fig. 8 20/12/2015 |
In one end I drilled a 19 mm hole about 9 mm deep. This will have a washer and a lock nut inside to keep it on the lever.
Fig. 9 20/12/2015 |
All bolted down. I'm glad I made it from aluminium now. It's stronger and much nicer.
Fig. 10 20/12/2015 |
Here's a quick little video showing the controls in operation.
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