Monday 28 December 2015

Rear Dome #1

This afternoon I continued welding the rear dome together.  For ages I couldn't figure out why my TIG's tungsten was wearing down from a point to a ball so quickly (a point allows more control over where the arc goes), then I realized I was using the wrong type of tungsten for DC welding.  Whoops.  But now with the right one I can weld nicer welds.

Fig. 1.  Here I'm cutting to shape one of the panels.  It becomes hard when there's no gaps anywhere to put clamps to hold it in place, and I can't use magnets everywhere because the magnetic fields disrupts the arc causing it to blow holes.  But time, patience and multitasking saw it through.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 2.  After a lot of hammering and tack welding it's ready to seal up with the final weld.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 3 & Fig. 4.  That parts done, now for the tiny hole.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 5.  The right side is done and has a coat of paint to stop rust.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 6.  Tomorrow I plan to start on the left side.  If I can, hopefully by the end of the week (aka. next year) I'll have the whole rear dome complete and the inside will be ready for a touch up with paint.

Fig. 6.

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